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Як-52 |
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Hi. This is msn 832908. Explanation below.... David Jeffrey raised the possibility that msn 832906 was RA-0651G and that Russianplanes.net suggests it was T7-CAT before that. Dave Field said about T7-CAT "However, the copy of the AB 2015 European Registers Handbook I have does give it as 832906." https://russianplanes.net/reginfo/284943 "2011 Yak-52 T7-CAT / 908" "2020 Yak-52 RA-0651G" Other Russianplanes.net source pages also suggest msn 832906 for RA-0651G https://russianplanes.net/offreg/VS-RA-0651G http://trips.ly/airline/73 - Yak-52, head number 832906, c/n 029-06, 1983, RA-0651G I have access to some old official register downloads and found that T7-CAT was on 25/02/2014 San Marino Register update as msn 832908 and on the Polish Register from 11/05/2016 and on until at least 10/01/2023 but removed by 20/10/2023 update, as SP-YYC msn 832908 So I\'m happy that T7-CAT was msn 832908 and then went to SP-YYC. Page 80 of Scramble 340 August 2007 confirms that msn 832908 started life as 08 red and then RA-3339K - after that I assume it went to T7-CAT. * * * Russian Register update from 11/03/2022 has Yak-52 RA-0651G with no msn and was registered 20/04/2009. Older updates from 24/03/2016 & 16/10/2018 confirms this again but still no msn. As RA-0651G has been showing on the Russian Register in 2016, 2018 and 2022, this means it can\'t be T7-CAT or SP-YYC and so msn 832906 seems logical as suggested by Russianplanes.net * * * I do note that the below page contains a post from 11th March 2013 which seems to show an extract from the San Marino Register which says T7-CAT was 832906 and I quote "29 258* T7 - CAT YAK 52 832906" https://www.key.aero/forum/general-aviation/75531-san-marino The 25/02/2014 San Marino Register update I have says msn 832908 for T7-CAT, so I assume a correction was made? N° Immatric Marca Classe Descrizione Stato 258 T7-CAT Aeromobile YAK 52 Attivo Marca Descrizione Stato Nr. Seriale T7-CAT YAK 52 Attivo 832908 * * * So in summary. I can\'t find any pictures of T7-CAT after 2015 (re-reg to Polish in 2106) and that pictures of SP-YYV from 2017 onwards show it in the same blue scheme with code 908 on the nose. Also as described above, I have evidence on the San Marino and Polish Registers that T7-CAT and SP-YYC are msn 832908. There is also a distinctive dint on the engine cowling just forward of the code 908 on the starboard (right) side which is visible in pictures of both of these registrations. T7-CAT 2013 - https://www.flickr.com/photos/62861611@N08/9627450190/ T7-CAT 2015 - https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9369524 SP-YYC 2017 - https://www.flickr.com/photos/ab-planepictures/39939202092/ SP-YYC 2019 - https://www.flickr.com/photos/egcb_egcc/50039821241 RA-0651G 2020 - https://russianplanes.net/id264447 SP-YYC 2021 - https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/10282382 Hope this helps! -- Best regards, Grant Robinson http://www.oxfordaviationgroup.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxfordaviationgroup https://www.flickr.com/photos/62861611@N08/albums | |||||||||
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